Saturday, February 9, 2019



                                                      ABOUT MY BLOG          

Um... What to write about my blog? There is so much to write but words have always been a problem to me, what to write and what not to? But today I really wanted to share my part of story why I am starting a blog? What inspires me? So lets start I know I can easily bore anyone with my boring story but I will try not to make it too boring. 

Being a medical student it is difficult for me to reads as many books as I wanted to read as i already had such a healthy and wealthy sum of medical books to read. I really wanted to setup a goal to read at least a book in a week but sometimes it's really very difficult. Now I'm going to give myself a challenge to at least finish a book within a month. Hope to except my own challenge.

There were several reasons for me to start a book blog first I am an ultimate bookworm since my school times. And secondly I wanted to escape from reality. Sometimes we all wanted to escape from our all day long usual activities, all our worries and problems and to me books have always been a source to escape from this world. They lead me into a different world, a world with no worries no hardships. I truly believe in the saying:
 "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one."
 Books are always been a source of joy to me. And I'm the most indulged kind of reader, when I started reading I just completely lost myself in a book. I imagine to be a part of the story and it is really good to be a part of a fictional story, to visit places you never visited to imagine something you have never seen before. Some people might think of me as a lunatic but I think that's how every bookworm is.

The second question was, what inspires me to start a blog there were many book bloggers who inspired me mainly from instagram platform and other bloggers too. I haven't read so many books but as I told earlier from now on I'm setting up a goal to read as many books as I can and accepting my own challenge to complete them on time. I believe in the saying by Mark Twain:
 "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." 
Lastly, I wanted you tell you something. When I was in my school I donated many poetry books to my school library as I am interested in poetry and I do write them as well. In my school we have a library period once in a week and once my library teacher asked us a question: "Are books good friends or humans?" and we all answered humans, I too answered humans but at that time we were kids we don't know the politics of world, we haven't seen double faces of our society but now if someone asked me the same question I will definitely say books are always been best friends to me, at least books don't deceive you. They are always with you like a true companion and like a true friend. 

I don't know if someone thinks the same way but up till now my answer to this question has changed because books gives me an escape from reality, even if it's for a few minutes. I think I just wrote enough to easily bore a person and now it's time to say goodbye but I'm leaving you the same question my teacher asked  many years ago and my answer to that question has changed. What do you think: "Are books really good friends or human?" Stay connected with me because I will be posting some good book reviews asap InShaaAllah. Goodbye!



  " If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches...