Thursday, March 21, 2019


Finally, I am writing something different from bestsellers. This is a different kind of genre before reading this book I was very curious that how will be the book? Is it purely a fiction or romance? But Mary Shelley wrote it so perfectly and I was deeply engraved in the book while reading that I finished this book within a day.

Many of you had already read this book but those who didn't read it yet and looking for a good fiction I surely recommend you to read this novel. It is basically a scientific romantic fiction and it is not a very long story and you can easily complete it within a day.

When I started reading books I only read romcoms and bestsellers and when I go through Frankenstein, it just changed my way of thinking about fictional novels. There are people like me who don't like fiction. But now my power of thoughts has changed. 

You should read Frankenstein because it is a scientific romantic fiction and I am sure it will not be you until the end. In fact, it will make you curious to read more. The story starts with a beautiful romance and that some scientific experiments leading to horror in itself.

Before coming towards the review I came through something very interesting about Frankenstein. Frankenstein is written by Mary Shelly. She is the wife of Percy Shelley, a renowned poet. The most interesting thing is that Frankenstein was written as a result of a bet. Mary, Percy and Lord Byron decided on a bet that who will write the best horror story.

Shelley travelled Europe and later on to the region of Geneva, where most of the story took place. The ideas about the story were discussed among her companions. After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt of a scientist who experimented and created a life and later was horrified by his own creation. Shelley's dream later evolved as a story of this novel.

As I was stuck on the name before reading the novel that why it is named Frankenstein and I came to know that Frankenstein itself refers to "MONSTER". And many commentators called it as acceptable. In this novel monster is identified by names such as "wretch", "creature", "daemon" and "monster".

The novel starts with Captain Robert Walton who was a failed writer and a captain. He set out to explore the North Pole. During the voyage, his crew spotted bells, dogs and a gigantic figure of which they were sure that it was not a human creature.

A few hours later they saw a man calling for help and rescued him, He was nearly frozen and his name was Victor Frankenstein. After when victors starts to recover from his exertion, he sees in Walton's eyes the same obsession that destroyed victor so, he decided to tell Walton the story of his life miseries that completely changed victor's life.

Victor started his story with his childhood that he was born in Naples into a very healthy Genevan family. Victor has two brothers Ernest and William. He was obsessed with studying outdated theories that focus on stimulating natural wonders. When Victor was young, his parents adopted a girl named Elizabeth Lavenza whom Victor later fall in love.

Victor was enrolled in the University of Ingolstadt in Germany. At the university, he studied chemistry and other sciences. He started to believe that the power of electricity can bring back a corpse to life and yet he was determined to do better than that "to create a thinking human being from scratch". He set up his laboratory and started his experiments.

With his experimentation, Victor created a giant creature. Giant would be the most appropriate word for that creature. Victor had created that creature with the shred of his own thighs. The creature was huge and horrific with white watery eyes and yellow skin that barely conceals muscles and blood vessels. Victor fled when the creature had awakened. When Victor again went to his apartment the creature already escaped.

Victor fell ill after all his experiment and was nursed by his friend Henry. After months of recovery he received a letter from his father that his brother William had died. Victor saw his creature near the crime scene which made him believe that it was the creature that killed his brother.

Victor was ravaged by grief and guilt at the same time. He wandered in the mountains to look for his creature. There he found the creature and the creature told victor about his tale. He told Victor that he was abandoned by his own father. 

He told Victor how badly he treated him on their first encounter and how he was badly treated by the society. People thought of him as a monster. He secretly lived for months with a family and helped him. I feel like you should read creature's narrative by your own so I'm not writing about it more.

The creature demanded a female companion from him as a living being he has a right to happiness too. The creature threatened him that will kill all his friends and loved once if he didn't fulfill his demand and ruin him completely. Yet in the end Victor was unable to fulfill his demand as he was scared and feel guilty for what he had done once.

Now the story turns at a very tragic point when Victor decided to fight the creature. He decided to fight a monster so something tragic happens in Victor's life that completely ruined him. Victor pursue the creature to the North Pole and was later rescued by Captain Robert Walton. Victor's last words to the Captain were to seek "happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition."

Frankenstein has a subtitle "The Modern Prometheus." This refers to an ancient Greek myth about Prometheus, a man who bought fire from the realm of Gods to human on earth, creating human life from clay models. Prometheus was punished by Gods for his arrogance, Victor also lived with regrets. This is the main idea of this novel.

This is an English editorial cartoonist picture of the creature by Victor Frankenstein.

                                                                                               Stay connected for more reviews......


  " If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches...